Photos of the month: combos used are shown below each photo. More details on: and
Lens: Scott S (59%) Film: Blackeys IR (43%) Shadows: +23 "Lines leading off towards the horizon are always so intriguing. They’re lonely but resolute in their purpose as they disappear into the distance." Kurt Harvey
Lens: Dee Film: Sugar Flash: Apollo Calrity: 35 • Highlights: -12 • Shadows: +19 This photo is part of the Combo #517 by Cecilia Möller
Lens: Dee Film: Sugar Flash: Apollo Calrity: 35 • Highlights: -12 • Shadows: +19 "One day, when I came out onto the busy streets for a walk, the light just happened to be fantastic. As I...
Lens: Beard Film: Bream Exposure: -0.2 • Clarity: 23 • Highlights: -38 • Shadows: +25 "Hobbit Door, Woodstock" Barry Conway
Lens: Anne-Marie (30%) Film: Aristotle (40%) Flash: Standard Clarity: 70 • Definition: 20 • Highlights: -20 • Shadows: +47 • Vibrancy: -60 • RGB: modified • Temperature: 6800 • Vignette: 1 "This picture was taken at the...
Lens: Scott S Film: Blackeys IR This photo is part of the Combo #516 by Nicolas Xanthos.
Lens: Scott S Film: Blackeys IR "Sunny days are not necessarily the best for photography, but the Bucktown HipstaPak promptly opens the doors to a multitude of possibilities. Whether the sky is blue or slightly cloudy,...
Lens: Murray (33%) Film: Telegraph (33%) Flash: Triple Crown Exposure: +0.0 • Clarity: 28 • Definition: 11 • Highlights: -63 • Shadows: +21 • Vibrancy: -20 • Fade: 27 • Vignette: 65 "Playing with the sunset in Aegean Sea is...
Lens: John S (24%) Film: Cheshire Flash: Tasty Pop (19%) Exposure: +-0.2 • Clarity: 9 • Definition: 4 "I love to use Cheshire for the painterly effect, and John S for bringing out the blues and greens...