While shooting, we often find ourselves with pictures that are not entirely straight, because we need to be fast, we’re distracted or we were somewhat forgetful. The result is sometimes: a sloping horizon or crooked,… Do not...
Lens: Beard Film: Sugar Flash: Apollo (36%) Highlights: -85 • Shadows: +100 "One of my favorite places to shoot is the walkway between the East and West Buildings of the National Gallery of Art. An ever changing...
Lens: John S Film: AO BW "This picture was taken at the entrance to the Seattle Center grounds, where obviously there is a robust stand of palm grass. I thought of them all as a "Needle Patch"...
Lens: Beard Film: Strausberg "M is for Metro" Donna Donato
Lens: Scott S Film: Blackeys IR This picture was taken with the Bucktown HipstaPak. More information on this page.
After Colorado and California, Hipstamatic welcomes you to Illinois, and more specifically to Bucktown! Bucktown is one of Chicago’s neighborhoods, where this month’s guest of honor Scott Strazzante’s hails from. Scott Strazzante is a photojournalist with the...
Name: Scott Strazzante Hometown: Chicago Resides: San Francisco Profession: San Francisco Chronicle staff photographer Hobbies: Hiking, Movies, Photography Hipstographer since: December 2011 Year of Birth: 1964 Favorite Combo: Lowy + BlacKeys SuperGrain Favorite Lens: Lowy Favorite Film: BlacKeys SuperGrain ...
Award-winning photojournalist Scott Strazzante uses Hipstamatic to capture the whimsy and irony, struggle and strength of everyday America. Influenced by the work of Garry Winogrand and Robert Frank, Strazzante's modern twist on classic street photography fuses his...
Lens: Gje Gje Film: Abbot K20 "The squirrels of Madison Square park are a comfortable lot. Bright eyes, beautiful fur and a friendly disposition... all hallmarks of the well fed squirrel. They allow you a proximity that...
Lens: Yoona Film: Cheshire Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X This photo is part of the Combo #512 by Pier Francesca Casadio.