"In September of 2012, I went to Iceland for a 16 day art and music residency to collaborate with multimedia artist Mandy Greer. I spent 11 days in Snæfellsnes and Fljótstunga with Mandy and her family, all of them artists, followed by 5 days on my own in Reykjavik to work on solo projects including interviewing people for my YouTube video series "Shut Up Dream Crusher". There I wandered the streets at all hours of the day and night taking pictures with my cell phone and never wanting to leave.
The truth is: I am addicted to seeing the world through rose colored lenses. So the Kaimal lens is set as a default on my camera and is a choice I am trying to ween myself off of or at least, choose more discriminately. Also, I think that my Hipstamatic app is broken and has been since the beginning! I always feel like I am doing "blind photography" because the picture I can see in my viewfinder is not at all the same as what ends up on my camera. I've just ignored this problem because, well, I am technically lazy and tend to operate very intuitively. Sometimes it works out and some times not. For a long time, I sort of liked the fact that I can not see what is happening and I have to guess at where to aim the camera. The more I take pictures though, the more control I want to have. Less guessing and more capturing sounds attractive. I can't remember why I chose the Ina's 1969 film; I must've liked the look of it when I set it a long time ago... I actually often forget I can change the film!"
Saskia Delores
[button color="grey" link="http://shutupdreamcrusher.com"]website[/button]
PS: Saskia, you have to read this: [button color="black" link="https://hipstography.com/en/manual/user-tips-7-viewfinder-mode.html"]User Tips #7: Viewfinder Mode[/button]
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