"I was excited when the Sao Paulo HipstaPak became available. I immediately started using the Madalena/Robusta combo, but found that they were a little dark. I don't usually use a lot of flash, preferring natural light, especially for outdoor photos. For this project I was charged with using Laser Lemon Gel. It has rained off and on for the past week here in Western Pennsylvania, so there were not many chances for shots in full sunshine. I felt like even with the Laser Lemon Gel flash the pictures were still dark.
Most of these pictures were taken in either Eastern Ohio, or the greater Pittsburgh area. I don't feel like this flash enhanced the pictures in a good way. I also feel like my pictures did not have the degree of fine focus I like with this combo. Overall, I think I will continue to experiment with the Sao Paulo HipstaPak, but will steer clear of the Laser Lemon Gel flash."
Amy Mitchell
This combo is part of the series "Flash Effects with São Paulo".
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