Combo #261 (Lilian Douglass)

By on July 27, 2014
Lens:  Roboto Glitter 
Film:  Sugar 
Using:  Oggl 


"This was my second time in Las Vegas, and I approached this trip with a little bit of apprehension, since I didn't like it the first time around. I was in for a big surprise! The city felt energized, with much friendlier people than I had in memory. The strip looked wonderfully colorful, invigorated by new sights and vibrant angles. I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonderment at all the glittery opulence that defines this city. In the past, it had appeared cloying and redundant. Now I opine: sublime starbursts, artfully orchestrated. Roboto Glitter & Sugar was the perfect conduit to express my reinitialized enchantment with this unique multi-faceted city."
Lilian Douglass

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