"This combo adds a metallic, crisp atmosphere to your photographs. It acts like a BB-cream with soothing properties, that evens out tones, smooths color contrast, yet enhancing the details and adding light to your photos. The (B)eard lens gives a subtle boost to any image, the (B)lanko BL4 film adds precision and the Triple Crown Flash compliments the light and energy; it feels like an enlightening combination for some of my city life photos taken in NY and London. Although it was originally created for urban photography with great color range and tone variations that I wanted to balance out, it also seems to be a great match for natural settings because of the clear overall outcome. If you are in search of a neutralizing effect combo, Sonic Silver might just be the one."
Panio Ventza
This combo is available for download. Please be aware: You CANNOT download the ".hipstamatic" file via the Facebook browser. You will only be able to download it on your iPhone from Hipstography.com via a browser such as Safari or Chrome. More information about this function can be found in this tutorial.
This combo, Sonic Silver, is part of The Chromatic Collection.
More information about the seventh Hipstography collection can be found here.
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