Name: J.G. Park
Favorite Combo: Melodie + Blanko Freedom13
Favorite Lens: Jane
Favorite Film: Blanko Freedom13
Favorite Flash: -
"After a while, one runs low on abandoned buildings to photograph. So I began to observe and capture temporary abandonment in social spaces that are still active, but are, in the moment I'm there, empty.
It's perfect for Hipstamatic, because these moments are spontaneous. I'll find myself alone in a stairwell, and it's like a deep breath. I can just be in a space and notice the light and lines, then if it strikes me, reach into my pocket for my iPhone.
Anxiety makes it hard for me to photograph people, so I photograph around them, at the suggestions of people. For example, if you find a potted plant growing in a corner or corridor, then there's a human being coming through regularly to tend to it. Sad creatures, potted plants. Empty chairs look like loyal dogs patiently awaiting their masters' return, but potted plants look like caged birds. I see both longing for and fear of escape in potted plants. It's lonely and unnatural to live under fluorescent lights, but you don't know what awaits you in the wild."
J.G. Park
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