When did you take these photos?
Chunky: These photos were taken the following morning after the first previews of the show, and it was a 9am call time for both of us - Early! Zach and I started first at his apartment in Cambridge then we headed down to the theatre and shot some more in his dressing room. We had so much to catch up on, we chatted for like an hour first, so the actual time to get all the Snap Magazine cover shoot images done was no more then 15 min. Zach is such a pro in front of the lens, we work really well together due to years of trust, and he knows how I work, all I need is Zach to always be Zach, and I've got pretty much just that from our session with Hipstamatic, I love them all.
Does Zachary get nervous before going on stage?
Chunky: Zach is always very prepared and confident going into anything he is working on, if I can recall that very evening of the performance, I saw that Zach captured everyone's attention within the first 5 min of the play, Zach is so powerful with his energy and presence, if he is nervous I certainly don't see it in one bit, he nailed it!
You saw "The Glass Menagerie" several times I guess. What is your opinion on Zachary's performance?
Chunky: Actually this is my first time seeing the play live performed on stage, and to be honest I was totally blown away by the whole cast and the beautiful production, all I can say is a new Broadway star is born - All eyes on Zachary Quinto!
The Glass Menagerie
By Tennessee Williams; directed by John Tiffany. With Cherry Jones (Amanda Wingfield), Zachary Quinto (Tom), Celia Keenan-Bolger (Laura) and Brian J. Smith (the Gentleman Caller).
At the Loeb Drama Center, 64 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Mass.
americanrepertorytheater.org - Through March 17. - Running time: 2 hours 15 minutes.
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