‘The Return of the Elizabethan Collar’ by Berlewen Jolixor

By on March 20, 2018

Berlewen-Jolixor-Fraise-portraitName: Berlewen Jolixor
Hometown: Lyon, France
Resides: Saint Genis Laval, France
Profession: Restoration of historical monuments, painter, decorator
Hobbies: Tai chi, sci-fi, biking, photography
Hipstographer since: 2012
Year of Birth: A jubilee + 4

Favorite Combo:  Lowy  +  Blanko 1 
Favorite Lens:  Lowy 
Favorite Film:  Love 81 
Favorite Flash: The sun

"To celebrate the Chinese New Year, my Tai Chi club asked me to open a photo stand (not an easy task for me) to keep the 250 participants entertained. I accepted the challenge in order to sensitise young people to the ever-increasing problem of plastic pollution… Wrapping them up in plastic, to make them feel what the fish and other marine creatures feel, seemed a bit out there, so I recuperated bubble wrap, plastic bags, flexible tubes in PVC and transformed them into modern-day Elizabethan collars. Elizabethan collars were fashion accessories that were generally not all that comfortable. A modern take on the Flemish masters and collars!"
Berlewen Jolixor


This post is also available in: French

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