Here are a few portfolios by our reporters on site, which we’ll publish in several parts. This first installment comes to us from Washington DC, New York, NY and Montpelier, VT.
"I attended the second annual Women’s March in Washington DC. The mood was empowered and hopeful. A strong call to action to VOTE in the November 2018 election to hopefully get some better numbers to turn this mess in our elected body around!"
Rhonda Rogers Baumgartner
"One year following the initial Women’s March on January 21, 2017, Americans took to the streets again to continue their peaceful protest to the policies, actions, and behaviors of their president. I felt privileged to be able to participate once again, and document the outrage and betrayal felt by the American people."
Erik Lieber
"Nancy Defario and I traveled north to the Vermont State Capital for our March. Wonderful presentation by Vermont youth. The theme was about Youth and all the current issues. A series of immigrant youth told their stories. Yes, even in rural Vermont. It was very VT, snowy, yet the people were all warm and friendly. Nancy made the frame sign and we ran around shooting the Faces of Democracy. It made all the Vermont papers. I was just the sidekick."
MaryJane Sarvis
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