The event, which was initially called the “Women’s March on Washington”, brought over 500.000 people together but sister-events took place all over the place: 650 marches were recorded in the US and 168 other countries! The aim of these marches was to send a tough message to the new administration, the day after the inauguration of the new American president and has turned out to be the largest 1-day protest ever in the US.
Hipstography had special envoys scattered around the globe so, we will be publishing a few portfolios during the next couple of days.
"Because it is no longer safe or okay to sit on the sidelines and watch idly, women and men all over the world took to the streets on January 21st to speak out for human rights, women's rights, civil rights. While Seattle expected around 50,000 people, more than double that number participated. The march spoke loudly of people's passion to become involved and their will to fight misogyny, corruption and the current White House administration. For me, it felt like standing in the midst of history as it was happening. Striding forward for women, equality and humanity."
Cindy Buske
"It was both reassuring and inspiring to be among hundreds of thousands of like-minded people participating in New York City's march."
Judy Tillinger
"When we arrived at Boston Common on the sunny and warm day of the march we were astounded at the number of people who had gathered. Instead of the expected turnout of 70,000 more than 175,000 had arrived, standing together in solidarity against the newly inaugurated threat to US democracy. We tried to proceed towards the high viewpoint of Soldiers and Sailors Monument, thinking we could get a view of the speakers' stand, but there were so many people it proved impossible. It didn’t matter, we were in the midst of joyous and determined people of all ages and backgrounds, in a sea of colorful handmade signs and pink hats. After the march, archivists from Northeastern University, College of Arts, Media, and Design collected more than 1,000 of the discarded signs to preserve in various ways to commemorate this unique historic moment."
Mike Ryan
"The Women’s March in Vienna was a peaceful demonstration in solidarity with the people marching all over the world. The rally with 2,000 participants was meant to be a demonstration to call for human rights for ALL people, not a protest against Donald Trump – although most protesters' signs may have indicated something different ;-) "Love! Not hate! Makes THE WORLD great!"
Christine Mignon
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