Multiple Exposures by Jason Mynatt

By on February 6, 2013
Lens:  Tejas  Film:  Blanko  Using:  Multiple Exposure Kit  Flash: off

Since Hipstamatic released the Multi Exposure Kit I've experimented with it almost in a daily basis. My first lesson learned while using it was forgetting to turn the Multi Exposure feature on. There have been several times that I was attempting to make a multi-x and I had forgot to turn on the Multi Exposure feature.

Second, Ive found that different types of base images will affect the overall outcome of the combined images. A darker base image will allow the secondary image to appear more prominent in the finished exposure. A lighter base image coupled with a darker secondary image will result in a ghosting effect.

Think ahead when shooting the base image, and think back as to the composition and lay out of the base image when shooting the secondary image.

Playing with different angles and compositions during the exposures will make some fun and interesting results.

The key to getting the most out of the Multi Exposure Kit is experimentation. Play around with pairing different subjects within the exposures and different light sources and backgrounds.

A few downsides: If you've taken a base image and you minimize the app for a long period of time, the app may shut down and you'll lose the base image. This has happened to me a few time and can be frustrating.

Also, Ive found that taking three or exposures tend to overexpose and the final result is mostly too blown out.
Jason Mynatt

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