When I discovered Hipstamatic, it truly was love at first sight and I will always remember my reaction when I saw my pictures for the first time. I immediately printed them and haven’t stopped since, covering my walls with Hipstamatic shots. As far as I’m concerned, a beautiful picture shouldn’t be confined to a hard disk ad vitam aeternam; it should be framed and hung on the wall for all to see.
It’s the universal power of Hipstamatic that led me to launch Hipstography. I wanted to share my passion but, more importantly, I wanted to create an exchange platform for the thousands of other users. Since its unveiling in 2012, I have never stopped being amazed with the pictures made by those thousands of people from the four corners of the globe. It remains, to this day, an absolute joy and honor to be able to publish them on the site.
But, as with my own pictures, I have always felt that these photographs need to be released from the confines of the virtual medium, so that they can actually be enjoyed in the real world. The idea of organizing a proper exhibition has been at the back of my mind for quite some time, so today, I have the pleasure of announcing the first ever Hipstography exhibition dedicated to the world of Hipstamatic. It will take place at the Sofitel Brussels Europe, in the heart of the European capital, from March 31st till July 20th (Place Jourdan, 1 – 1040 Brussels).
Entitled "Click. Boom. Amazing!", the exhibition will regroup about seventy pictures, all of which have been published on the Hipstography website, since it was launched. They will be displayed in the luxurious lobby of the Sofitel Brussels Europe. "Click. Boom. Amazing!" is, in fact, a quote from the late great Steve Jobs during the keynote at MacWorld in January 2006, and one that I find quite fitting when it comes to our daily experience with Hipstamatic. The works have been chosen to suit the criteria of the Sofitel’s aesthetics and an engaging social media competition is being set up in collaboration with the hotel.
Every month, during the entire three months of the show , one picture will be chosen by Sofitel and will be displayed alongside the permanent collection. The winning photographs will be printed and displayed on a dedicated easel in the lobby. In order to participate, post your best picture on your favourite social media. Don’t forget to add the hashtag #SofitelBxlEur (Sofitel, Bxl for Brussels and Eur for Europe), and of course, #hipstography. Good luck to you all!
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