A new free pak for Hipstamatic which originates this time from a Warner Bros movie called Gangster Squad. Los Angeles, in 1949, the godfather Mickey Cohen reigns supreme on the whole town and its mob.
The movie stars: Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling, Sean Penn, Nick Nolte and Emma Stone. The film Gangter Squad will be released on our screens only in February 2013, but we can already dive into this merciless world thanks to the pak of the same name.
This new FreePak comprises a lens ("Gsquad"), a film ("GS-0") and a case ("Gangster Deco Camera Case"). I will start by commenting what I find the least interesting: the film.
The GS-0 Film crops an image and places it on a circle with a white background. I have to confess I am not a huge fan of this kind of effects, but some of us might enjoy it.
The lens however seems very interesting as it does produce some quite bright tones and gives the images a light retro touch. All that now needs to be done is to find the right combinations with other films and maybe with a flash. Something to keep an eye on.
But THE good surprise of this pak is the case. The "Gangster Deco Camera Case" is a stainless steel case with a black leather grip and a fake shutter speed adjustment on the front lens barrel give it a really cool effect.
The Gangster Squad FreePak is available for free on the application as usual, but be quick as this offer is limited in time. And as usual, the general graphic design is extraordinary.
A contest is also organized to win a Canon EOS 5D Mark III. You have until the 5th of December to upload your best pictures. The movie director, Ruben Fleischer, will then choose the winner. More information here.
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