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"My plan was to capture my son sleeping in the backseat through the rear view mirror, but the result was an awful and quite unexpected picture of me!"
Sean Lee
"A makeup artist friend had asked me to take some photographs for her portfolio she was working on. I had quite a bit of time to kill between my set up and her make up and styling so I decided to take some "behind the scenes" shots of Madison, the model. I used my favorite combination of Watts lens and Rock BW-11 film giving it that very dramatic feel."
Brandy Barham
"While visiting Amarillo I made a quick trip out to the iconic Cadillac Ranch to snap some photos when I saw this trio. Hanging back from their wives and children, they kept putting their arms around each other, hugging and laughing. I spent quite a while observing and taking candid snaps when I decided to ask them for a photo. Introduced to me as The Good, The Bad and The Ugly they happily obliged."
Clif Wright
"Last evening, as the sun was beginning its decent, I had just arrived to my beach home on Lake Michigan (near Chicago) when I saw three splendid girls giggling and walking towards me on the sand. They had the carefree style of youth that quickly disappears with age. The scene from far suggested to me memories of my own youth, and time gone by. They seemed like Botticelli's Three Graces who had gone to look for their half-shell.
I quickly grabbed my 4s from my pocket and chose this combo setting (Foxy & C-Type plate). As they came close I asked them if I might take their foto! They immediately assumed these natural poses inspired by the Venus herself! I love this combination for the beach because the pinkish tones and vintage plate effect give the image and hence the story itself a feel of times gone by, the memories of our own youth. It is a perfect combination for that nostalgic feel that summer vacation pictures really are all about."
Gina Costa
"This photo was taken a few days ago. It is of my niece, Lydia. She is 13 and this photo is the first of our 'flower girl' theme. I really love using this Hipstamatic combination of Lens Tinto 1848 and Film D-Type Plate. Used with the right photo it creates the perfect atmosphere. I had seen this type of photograph previously and I wanted to recreate it. My idea was to keep the flower arrangement quite simple, so as not to take away from Lydia's pretty face. So I chose white and pink chrysanthemums, as they are quite plain and worked well with the childish innocence of the pose."
Louise Fryer
"The first shoot I took like this was an accident, but I loved it. So I use this 'technic' from time to time. First you submerge your iPhone (with a proper waterproof case of course) in the sea, and then when you pull it out, you take the photo while water is still on the lens. Sometimes you get nothing at all, or at least not what you are expecting. You have to think about the shoot beforehand, because you have to do it quickly, sometimes even without looking through the viewfinder. And then you get all these blurred and ghostly photos, as though you were living in this watery world full of fog and dreams. No recognizable faces, just the forms of people in the water. And I love it when through all this daze you get a glimpse of a smile, a sense of happiness."
Millo Salgado
"Quiet Time"
"Living three hours drive and in another country from my elderly mother provides challenges in her care – especially when she is not well. My mom had suffered two strokes and other health challenges and was in the hospital for a week recovering. After she was back at her nursing home, I continued to stay with her so I could take special care of her during that time. To me, a big part of returning to wellness includes big doses of love, laughter, and providing her with activities she loves such as listening to music and singing songs.
Although the care-aides at her home are very conscientious, it doesn’t match the love she receives from her family when we are able to be there with her. However, I am particularly touched by Grace who takes the time to read to her when she visits. This photo captures a moment of loving compassion that felt quite palpable to me.
It can be a challenge to share such a personal photo, but the relationship they have is so precious and inspiring, I felt moved to share it."
Lee Atwell
"Lens Tinto 1884 and film C-type Plate where the perfect combo for this shoot. I love how it isolates the eyes and lips. Project was a beauty exploration. Model: Christine Alward - Makeup: Florinda Ayala."
Tim Engle
"Censor Yourself"
"Recently, I've been experiencing censorship on Instagram and criticism on Facebook regarding my self-portraits. They were the cause of a heated exchange I was involved in which led to the inspiration for this self-portrait. 'Illegitimi non carborundum' - Don't let the bastards grind you down."
Samantha Nason
"Travelling through Cuba was like stepping back in time... My wife and I travelled all over the Eastern part from Havana to Cienfuegos, Trinidad, Santa Clara, Cayo Santa Maria, and then all the way to Santiago de Cuba via Camaguey. We stayed mainly among the locals at their 'Casa Particulares', which are rooms or apartments you rent at a private family house. This way we could learn more about Cuba's history and future through the eyes of the local people.
Photographing with Hipstamatic, I was able to create perfect images that show the authentic island feeling. The people are very welcoming and it was pretty easy to photograph them. Most people wanted to pose and be in the picture. Others saw it as another way of gaining income... I, however, tried to make pictures that show real life and the warm Cuban atmosphere."
Idan Hemo
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