I don’t really know how the site will evolve but I figure I’d best just restart the machine. I need to catch up on lost time and will need your help: in 2019 a dozen new paks saw the light of day and I’d like to know which lenses or films deserve our attention. Have you come across any good combos over the past few months? Did you reuse any of the older elements from the Hipstamatic catalogue? Tell us all by sending us a series of your pictures!
The choice is yours: either 25 pictures with the same combo (for the "Combo" section), or a series of 25 pictures with different combos for the "Portfolio" section, make it a best-of of your best pictures from 2019. A big thank you to Stephen Littrell for the idea! In both cases, it would be nice if you could write a little something to accompany your photos. Please stick to a maximum of 2 formats per series (1:1, 16:9…).
And, as usual, I’m also looking for a few pictures for the "Photo of the Day" section; please tag your pictures with #hipstography… Impatiently waiting for your photos!
Eric Rozen
PS: I missed you all so much!
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