The 180.000 disappearing apps represent about 8% of all the iPhone applications and it’s quasi certain that you have some of those. There is, however, a simple way to identify the 32-bit apps on your phone: go to "Settings", followed by "General", "About" and, finally "Applications". Prepare to be shocked and get out the Kleenex!
When I heard about this, I immediately whipped out my iPhone and it turns out I have about 60 apps that won’t function with iOS 11. I have to admit that I haven’t used any of these 32-bit apps in ages; that said I had a bit of a shock when I came across Incredibooth!
Incredibooth is a product, launched by Hipstamatic in 2010, that aimed at putting the glamour back into the humble photo booth. The principle is simple: you choose a "booth", you sit in front of your iPhone, you push the button and there you go; the app takes 4 pictures in a row, just like the ones you get at the real photo booth. It’s the same principle as all the other Hipstamatic apps: each "booth" boasts its own effects, some of which are quite similar to the Classic edition. It’s as funny as it is fun!
It’s with a hint of sorrow that I then contacted Hipstamatic to ask whether I would have to say goodbye to Incredibooth forever. I wasn’t expecting a positive response, to be honest, but I got an answer from Mario: "Update is almost done. We tested over the weekend and today we added a new booth :) I’ll get you details in the morning."
So… great news! Incredibooth is back on track and the new booth is called "Old Fashioned"; it reproduces a number of effects that are well known to Hisptamatic users: a mix of TinType, Autochrome and Pinhole. The other booths are just as creative, so go ahead and give them all a try. Tim to pull out all the stops with the new Incredibooth, decidely a very entertaining app!!
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