It was great to meet Alon a few days before his big show. We walked a bit through my hood around Central Park, chatted like old buds, and even took a few pics. That’s what I love about the Hipstamatic community; it’s worldwide, but no matter how large, when the opportunity arises to meet it feels like a reunion. And, some of New York’s own Hipstamatic community came out for Alon to show their support for his awesome work. It was lovely to see Lori Hillsberg, Fenton Lawless, Grace Brignolle, Sara Seldowitz, and Andrew White.
The gallery, TBG, on 9th street in trendy Alphabet City was the perfect venue for Alon’s high energy and luminous photographs. In his own words, "the images in Subtexts are mobile odes to the anarchic beauty, colorful chaos, and iconic craziness that is California." Cleverly, Alon had his photographs mounted on aluminum with various techniques. The finishes: matte, semi-gloss and sheer which shows the whites as metallic for a multi-dimensional effect, all appeared to accelerate while in place. He says, he’s "interested in the underlying drama that plays out in seemingly simple actions and juxtapositions." That he wants to "propel the viewer at warp speed toward a…light-induced epiphany."
All this made for images that gloriously popped off the walls of the gallery, which was filled with peeps jockeying to get a word with the low key and friendly artist who was all smiles as the space filled with art seekers eager to have their socks knocked off by his dazzling and kinetic photographs. All-in-all, Alon’s work stands 'alone', as capturing movement, color and iconic scenes of California and those who are in New York City, (show runs until June 12th), should get downtown to see the Goldsmith magic come alive with their own eyes.
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