The first part of this series can be found here and the second one here.
"I joined the march on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC after the speeches. I was amazed at the size of the crowds. Waves of marchers walking peacefully from the Capitol towards the White House. The march filled a mile of the Avenue. Diverse in all respects, of all ages, from all regions of the country. And marching joyfully."
Susan L. Sanders
"I attended the Women's March in New York City not knowing what to expect. NYC is not exactly known for being friendly and considerate. And yet, here were New Yorkers, gathered together showing kindness, consideration and support for their neighbors. One of the biggest surprises were how many men were marching in solidarity! The streets were filled with people but the energy was vibrant and peaceful. I was immediately struck by the powerful written statements of the marchers' signs that floated by the sharp edges of tall buildings. It reminded me of a comic book scene, where bold letters are used to describe action, and the cities always look dark and ominous. I used the combo of Jane/Aristotle/Triple Crown to capture NYC as I saw it in that moment - as Gotham city where the average citizens were the superheroes of the day!"
Laura Fried
"This is what democracy looks like."
Lori Hillsberg
"It was an absolute privilege to participate in the Women's March - an estimated 175,000 people took part here in Seattle. To be connected with so many women (locally and around the world) speaking their truth about equality and justice was a powerful experience. The message was that of love and inclusion, and I hoped to capture that spirit in my images."
Jormain Cady
"We marched for our sons and daughters, we marched for our loved ones, friends and strangers, and, most importantly, we marched for human rights. We cannot afford to be complacent or we may lose them. That is why we march."
Jane Schultzart
"The estimated turnout for the Women’s March in Seattle was around 40,000. However, it was estimated there were actually close to 200,000 marching in the street that day. At one point I was able to stand on a mound of higher ground to look down one of our main streets for nearly a mile, and all that could be seen was a sea of people filling the width of the street, that just kept coming and coming. It was an extraordinary day not only in Seattle, but throughout the world."
Lee Atwell
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