Lens: Jane Film: Love 81 "I liked the rough, scratchy texture and rich color of Love 81 right from the start, but the borders didn’t always fit to my picture. Since the 300 update of Hipstamatic...
Lens: Ray Mark II Film: Love 81 Using: Oggl "The weather lately has been unusual for our area in the Pacific Northwest, with many stormy days bringing high winds and record rainfall. It was during the...
Lens: Helga Viking Film: Pistil Flash: off "Whenever a scene attracts me because of its colors, I know that the Helga Viking/Pistil combo will give me a good result. I have never stopped using this combo...
Lens: Yoona Film: Love 81 Flash: Juicy Orange Gel (22%) Exposure: +0,4 • Clarity: 20 • Definition: 21 • Highlights: -29 • Highlights: +62 • Tones Curves: modified • Texture: 21 (The combo can be downloaded at...
Lens: Hannah Film: Ina's 1935 Using: Oggl "This series dates from April 2015. The pictures were taken in Hanoi, a city of 9 million inhabitants and more than 4.5 million scooters and, surprisingly, ten times fewer...
Lens: Yoona Film: DreamCanvas Flash: Tasty Pop "Sunday afternoon in November and we got the first snowfall of the year. What’s better then walking in this beautiful blue hour between day and night, enjoying the magical...
Photos: Polina Sarri (1-9), Sebastian Oskar Kroll (10-15) & Eric Rozen (16-21) Lens: Tejas Film: Gotland (20%) Flash: Triple Crown (74%) Clarity: 12 • Definition: 10 • Vignette: 0 (The combo can be downloaded at the bottom of...
Photos: Polina Sarri (1-11) & Sebastian Oskar Kroll (12-21) Lens: Madalena (27%) Film: Rasputin Flash: Cadet Blue Gel (58%) Exposure: +0,4 • Clarity: 18 • Definition: 12 • Vibrancy: +13 (The combo can be downloaded at the...
Photos: Lydia Cassatt Lens: Jack London (55%) Film: Blanko BL4 (24%) Flash: Standard (20%) Exposure: -0,2 • Clarity: 18 • Highlights: -14 • Vibrancy: -19 (The combo can be downloaded at the bottom of this page) ...
Lens: John S Film: AO BW Flash: Standard "This series was made during my daily commutes between the train stations of the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre (Southern Brazil). I like to photograph the humans moving...