Combo #416 – Ag47

By on December 15, 2015

Photos: Lydia Cassatt


Lens:  Jack London (55%) 
Film:  Blanko BL4 (24%) 
Flash:  Standard (20%) 
Exposure: -0,2 • Clarity: 18 • Highlights: -14 • Vibrancy: -19
(The combo can be downloaded at the bottom of this page)


"This combo is well suited to the misty, grey and foggy days that we have here on the coast of Maine. It also works with the more vividly toned subjects and captures colors but it's softer, not exaggerated."
Lydia Cassatt


This combo is available for download.
More information about this function can be found in this tutorial.

2.1 KiB

Please be aware: You CANNOT download the ".hipstamatic" file via the Facebook browser. You will only be able to download it on your iPhone from via a browser such as Safari or Chrome.


This combo, Ag47, is part of The Organic Collection. You can find more information about our very first Hipstography collection right here.



Photo: Adria Ellis (@aconica)

This post is also available in: French

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