Lens: Gje Gje Film: Uchitel 20 Flash: Juicy Orange Gel "Feels like home" Clare Taylor
Lens: Gje Gje (70%) Film: Abbot K20 Clarity: 15 • Definition: 15 • Highlights: -30 • Shadows: +30 • Vibrancy: +10 This photo is part of the Combo #624 by Chou Delaposte.
Lens: Gje Gje (70%) Film: Abbot K20 Clarity: 15 • Definition: 15 • Highlights: -30 • Shadows: +30 • Vibrancy: +10 "Going to Venice in July may not seem like the best of ideas: high temperatures,...
Lens: Gje Gje (84%) Film: Love 81 (84%) Flash: Tasty Pop Exposure: -0.5 • Clarity: 21 • Definition: 16 • RGB: modified • Temperature: 8310 • Texture: 100 • Vignette: 0 "After the Storm" Lydia Cassatt...
Lens: Gje Gje (57%) Film: Love 81 (71%) Flash: Triple Crown (61%) Exposure: -0.3 • Clarity: 43 • Definition: 36 • RGB: modified • Temperature: 8310 This photo is part of the portfolio "The Canadian Arctic and Greenland"...
Name: Lydia Cassatt Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Resides: Brooksville, Maine Profession: Artist, Photographer Hobbies: Travel, yoga, walking, cooking for friends Hipstographer since: 2012 Year of birth: 1955 Favorite Combo: Too hard to choose only one Favorite Lens: Lumière Favorite...
Lens: Gje Gje Film: Abbot K20 "The squirrels of Madison Square park are a comfortable lot. Bright eyes, beautiful fur and a friendly disposition... all hallmarks of the well fed squirrel. They allow you a proximity that...
Lens: Gje Gje Film: Abbot K20 "There was so much joy and happiness in the streets of Chinatown, during the celebration of the Lunar New Year. In the Chinese calendar, 2017 is the year of the Rooster,...
Lens: Gje Gje Film: Abbot K20 Exposure: -0.1 • Definition: 44 • Highlights: -16 • Shadows: +57 "This was one of my favorite pictures from the LGBTQ Solidarity Rally at Stonewall in NYC this past weekend. While...