Lens: Hema (71%) Film: Bream Clarity: 19 • Definition: 15 • Highlights: -77 • Shadows: +71 • Vibrancy: +11 "I loved how this fella was approaching Lady Liberty with the arrow pointing in the direction he was...
Lens: Hema Film: AO BW Flash: Apollo (26%) Clarity: 30 • Highlights: -14 • Shadows: +34 "The Coney Island Boardwalk is a fantastic location to photograph. Whether you like beautiful landscapes, compelling seascapes, or a diversity of people,...
Lens: Hema Film: Panaji This photo is part of the Combo #497 by Mark Fearnley.
Lens: Hema Film: Panaji "These images were taken in Goa using the new Goa HipstaPak; the pictures represent the people and places of the beautiful Malabar Coast." Mark Fearnley
For its penultimate 2016 pak, Hipstamatic takes us to India’s west coast. Welcome to Goa! Tourism is its main source of income, mainly because of the climate: it’s hot all year round in Goa; there is no...