Lens: Lowy Film: BlacKeys SuperGrain This photo is part of the portfolio "Puro Norte" by Ramón Cruz.
Lens: Lowy Film: Blackeys Extra Fine Flash: Standard (33%) Clarity: 71 • Definition: 27 • Highlights: -16 • Shadows: +12 • Vibrancy: +16 • RGB: modified • Temperature: 6440 "Strong" Julia Nathanson
Lens: Lowy Film: Love 81 "Defeated, shaken, routed and walloped!" Berlewen Jolixor This photo is part of the showcase "Infinite Worlds of Everything Small".
Lens: Lowy Film: Blanko 1 "Fear nothing" Berlewen Jolixor This series is part of the showcase "Infinite Worlds of Everything Small".
Lens: Lowy Film: Sussex "Dominos Rice" Berlewen Jolixor This photo is part of the showcase "Infinite Worlds of Everything Small".
Lens: Lowy Film: Robusta Clarity: 30 This photo is part of the Combo #472 by Lydia Cassatt
Lens: Lowy Film: Robusta Clarity: 30 "It was difficult to pick a particular combo for my recent trip to Iceland. The light and weather change constantly and the palette can be quite somber, particularly in the...
Lens: Lowy Film: Aristotle "There are always interesting people to be found on the streets, but you can't always stop and set up a shot. I have taught myself to hold my phone down low, at hip...
Lens: Lowy Film: BlacKeys SuperGrain "Whenever I photograph a sporting event for the San Francisco Chronicle, I always spend a chunk of time before the contest looking for something to photograph with my iPhone. This image was...
Lens: Lowy Film: Irom 2000 Exposure: -0.3 • Clarity: 46 "Chairman of the Board" "Most of my skate images rely on backlight to produce dramatic silhouettes. The other day someone told me they were bored with them....