Lens: Salvador 84 Film: Blanko C16 Using: Oggl "This photo is a reminder of how much my partner and I love to travel. For us, the whole process is delightful: packing before we hit the road, pit...
Lens: Sergio Film: Rasputin Flash: off "The Kiss" "This picture was taken in Vienna, in a big leisure park called 'Prater'. As the merry-go-round swung past, which it doesn't do very often these days, I managed to...
Lens: Helga Viking Film: Robusta Using: Oggl "An hour north of Seattle is the Skagit River bordered by a fertile valley. Several farms specialize in tulips in the area - a favorite place of mine to visit...
Lens: Sergio Film: Maximus LXIX Flash: off "St Hilary’s Mission was constructed some time around 1888 in the town of Tiburon, California. It is constructed in what is called Carpenter Gothic, and is one of the few...
Lens: Helga Viking Film: Blanko C16 Flash: off "I was walking yesterday along the waterfront in Seattle, Washington. Originally I thought these were toys but as I looked closer I realized they were real. Their owner has...
Lens: Lucifer VI Film: Maximus LXIX Using: Oggl "We had a beautiful sunny evening this Sunday. When it started to get dark my daughter told me to look outside; the fog was rolling in. We both ran...
Lens: Jane Film: Blanko Freedom13 Using: Oggl "A sunny Sunday... A little girl feeling sad because she couldn't get what she wanted from the bazaar…" Guney Tepe
Lens: Tinto 1884 Film: Sugar Flash: off Using: Multiple Exposure Kit "Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical." Words by Sophia Loren "I'm not a multi-exposure pro, so...
Lens: Jane Film: Sugar Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X "I recently spent the day in the beautiful city of Philadelphia, shooting with friends. I have found there is no better way to revisit places you have been to...
Lens: G2 Film: Claunch 72 Monochrome Using: Oggl "I took this photo at the exhibition 'Genesis' of the Brazilian master of photography, Sebastião Salgado. There is a photo of Indians in canoes, fishing on the Xingu, in...