Lens: Anne-Marie (30%) Film: Aristotle (40%) Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X (10%) Clarity: 70 • Definition: 20 • Highlights: -20 • Shadows: +50 • Vibrancy: -20 • RGB: modified • Temperature: 7500 • Vignette: 0 "There is such...
Lens: Salvador 84 Film: Love 81 Flash: Purple Raindrops Gel "The travelers" Kally Klonaris-Smythe
Lens: John S Film: AO BW This photo is part of the Combo #487 by Sebastian Oskar Kroll.
Lens: John S Film: AO BW "The Harz is an old area located in central Germany. Studwork houses, mountain landscapes and the steam train, which goes up to the top of Brocken mountain, were only a...
Lens: Akira Film: Aristotle (40%) Clarity: 45 • Definition: 19 • Highlights: 0 • Shadows: +19 "I like the contrast in the Aristotle film, which goes well with the Akira lens, creating an even more dramatic sky...
Lens: Stavros (99%) Film: Runway (0%) Flash: Triple Crown Definition: 30 • Highlights: -60 • Shadows: +30 • Vibrancy: -67 • Fade: 10 • Temperature: 8000 "A few months ago I started my photo project "Soon it will be...
Lens: Florence (55%) Film: Love 81 (55%) Flash: Cadet Blue Gel Exposure: +0.3 • Clarity: 12 • Definition: 15 • Shadows: +69 • Vibrancy: -60 • RGB: modified • Texture: 20 • Vignette: 0 "This...
In our little Hipstography universe, still lives are Florian Bilges’ territory, miniature worlds belong in the safe hands of Berlewen Jolixor, and wild and sumptuous scenery is what Lee Atwell is all about. More than a mere...
Lens: Neville Film: AO BW This photo is part of the Combo #486 by Lee Atwell.
Lens: Neville Film: AO BW "I enjoy the challenge of being present moment to moment to the surrounding environment within the city streets in order to capture the fleeting transience of life, light and shadows as...