Huge changes as far as the settings are concerned! The Settings have been removed from the "Settings"-app in your iPhone and are now all available in-app, in one unified location. It’s accessible via the Library, whether...
Lens: Stavros Film: AO BW "I bet that gentleman wished he had worn a hat. Always something fun at Coney Island. August 2016." Lori Hillsberg
Photos of the month: combos used are shown below each photo. More details on: and
Lens: Jane Film: Robusta Flash: off "A July morning in Dobrovo, western Slovenia, close to the Italian border. The rolling hills and the vineyards after a rainy night." Ilse Neugebauer
Lens: Foxy Film: Blanko 1 Flash: Standard Exposure: -02 • Definition: 67 • Shadows: +40 • Vibrancy: +7 This photo is part of the portfolio "A Distant View" by Stephen Littrell.
Nom: Stephen Littrell Hometown: Manhattan, Kansas Resides: Austin, Texas Profession: Librarian Hobbies: Reading and traveling Hipstographer since: 2013 Year of Birth: 1954 Favorite Combo: Jane + AO BW Favorite Lens: Americana Favorite Film: AO BW Favorite Flash: Standard ...
Lens: Lowy Film: BlacKeys SuperGrain Flash: Tasty Pop (55%) Exposure: +0,4 • Clarity: 26 • Definition: 18 • Highlights: -25 • Shadows: +19 "Squirt Gun Fight" "This is a yearly event where enthusiasts get together, grab their...
Lens: Stavros Film: Telegraph Flash: Apollo Exposure: -0.1 • Clarity: 49 • Definition: 17 • Highlights: -30 • Shadows: +15 • Vibrancy: -67 • Fade: 10 • Texture: 2 • Vignette: 15 "In Greek mythology, the Calydonian boar was sent by...
Lens: G2 Film: D-Type Plate Flash: Cadet Blue Gel Exposure: +0,7 • Clarity: 100 • Definition: 50 • Shadows: -50 • Temperature: 8000 • Tint: 3 G "I love horses, they are very photogenic with their many...
Lens: Anne-Marie (22%) Film: Mount Royal (0%) Flash: Tasty Pop (55%) Clarity: 30 • Highlights: -22 • Shadows: +50 "Journey through the Provence" "In July, I had the opportunity to visit the Provence, in South of France;...