"According to philosopher Empedocles (495-435 B.C.), the entire universe consists of four primordial elements: earth, air, fire and water. The equally significant primordial forces of love and hate, in turn, influence these elements. The gear we chose for this combo reveals all four elements in each individual photo, through a visually astute and constant game of variations. The purity of the Antoni lens, with its vibrancy, emphasizes the aquatic and ethereal elements, by offering a wide palette of blues - from sky blue and turquoise to royal blue - subject to the amount and quality of the light. The Dixie film brings out the fire on many levels and adds a playful light leak effect. Laser Lemon Gel helps to preserve the yellow-ochre details and reveals, in some cases, the hidden earthy tones. A little Empedoclean cosmos, a bit like using a toy camera!"
Stavros Dimakopoulos
This combo is available for download.
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This combo, Empedocles, is part of The Hellenic Collection.
More information about the sixth Hipstography Collection can be found here.
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