And so, I spent a few days in the company of this fine team and, as things go, we decided that our little Hipstameet should be immortalized with a collection of new combos. So… we are pleased to, hereby, introduce: The Hellenic Collection!
For this sixth collection of Hipstography combos (the other collections can be found here), I wanted to approach things differently and I gave Polina, Stavros and Mario "carte blanche". Their mission: suggest a combo that highlights this 2018 summer. With great joy we present Empedocles, Pythagoras, Thales and Gorgias. A tribute to four Greek Presocratic philosophers and a collection that, we hope, will allow you to eternalize your summer memoirs.
"According to philosopher Empedocles (495-435 B.C.), the entire universe consists of four primordial elements: earth, air, fire and water. The equally significant primordial forces of love and hate, in turn, influence these elements. The gear we chose for this combo reveals all four elements in each individual photo, through a visually astute and constant game of variations. The purity of the Antoni lens, with its vibrancy, emphasizes the aquatic and ethereal elements, by offering a wide palette of blues - from sky blue and turquoise to royal blue - subject to the amount and quality of the light. The Dixie film brings out the fire on many levels and adds a playful light leak effect. Laser Lemon Gel helps to preserve the yellow-ochre details and reveals, in some cases, the hidden earthy tones. A little Empedoclean cosmos, a bit like using a toy camera!"
(Photos: Stavros Dimakopoulos)
This combo, Empedocles, is available for download at the bottom of this page.
You can find a number of pictures taken with this combo on this page.
"Thales of Miletus (c. 624 - 546 B.C.), an early Pre-Socratic philosopher, believed that water was the primal source of all things—perhaps the sine qua non of the world. So what a better name for a combo related to the Hellenic maritime spirit and Greece, a country which is surrounded by three seas? When I think of Greek summers, the dominant color that comes to mind - from the bright sunny skies to the deep waters of the Pelagos - is blue and the enormous variety of its hues that differ in saturation and intensity.
In search for the right elements to convey this vibrant summer palette, I turned to the Erie GL lens for its clear turquoise character and to the Hackney film for its bluish tint with that particular extra hint of a glow, similar to the touch of a golden sun. Speaking of gold, the addition of the Apollo flash worked miracles in this case, bringing out the best of both elements. Get all set, it’s time to capture new summer memories!"
(Photos: Polina Sarri)
This combo, Thales, is available for download at the bottom of this page.
You can find a number of pictures taken with this combo on this page.
"As long as Man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings, he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love." – Pythagoras (around 580-496 B.C.).
"Although Pythagoras is primarily known as a philosopher and mathematician, very few people know that he was also one of the pioneers in the vegan movement. Aside from eating a vegan diet, he abhorred hunting, refused to partake in the bloody rituals of the day and avoided all animal raw materials like leather or wool. Being an animal rights activist myself, I had to pay tribute to him with this combo that joins two of my favorite elements: Madalena and Gotland. These are two elements that need quite a bit of taming as they are both fiery characters, in their own right, and can quickly become unruly! I tried to moderate everything a bit while maintaining their innate charm."
(Photos: Eric Rozen)
This combo, Pythagoras, is available for download at the bottom of this page.
You can find a number of pictures taken with this combo on this page.
"How can anyone communicate the idea of color by means of words since the ear does not hear colors but only sounds?" This quote by philosopher Gorgias (485-380 B.C.) sets the question of what is the best way to transfer a message. By using the Irom 2000 film and Triple Crown flash for this series, I tried to communicate the idea of Greece, as I perceived it during my stay.
This combo allows you to keep pure and clean images, without affecting the colors. The ideal combo for your holidays in Mykonos and Athens."
(Photos: Mario Estrada)
This combo, Gorgias, is available for download at the bottom of this page.
You can find a number of pictures taken with this combo on this page.
These combos, like those in the "Downloadable Combos" or "The Hipstography Combo Collections", can ONLY be applied AFTER you have taken your picture. These combos are elaborate combinations (unlike the usual lens, film and/or flash) that would consume a lot of resources and, hence, slow down Hipstamatic considerably. You can use them as you’re shooting, but none of the Pro Mode parameters (such as exposure, clarity, definition, etc…) will be applied directly.
As an example, Pythagoras was created with Madalena (32%), with Gotland reduced to 18%, and Triple Crown reduced to 68%. The Clarity is +16, the texture reduced to 72, etc… If you use the combo while shooting, you will end up with the Madalena, Gotland, and Triple Crown combo, although everything will be at the original 100% level. That being the case, you will need to apply the combo afterwards to get the full effect.
On the practical side of things, you can find the downloads at the bottom of this page. You will have to open the page on your iPhone by using a browser like Safari or Chrome. If you happen to have arrived here - on this page - through an article or a link on Facebook, click on the bottom right icon that looks like a box with an arrow coming out of the top, then select the option of "Open in Safari". The Facebook navigation system doesn’t allow this kind of download, so do not attempt the download while viewing the page within the Facebook app. Of course, you can always open the Safari app manually, go to hipstography.com, and click on the appropriate link, which will take you to the page in question if you choose to download at a later time.
These combos are available for download.
More information about this function can be found in this tutorial.
Please be aware: You CANNOT download the ".hipstamatic" file via the Facebook browser. You will only be able to download it on your iPhone from Hipstography.com via a browser such as Safari or Chrome.
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