"Victor Hugo wrote: "He who contemplates the depths of Paris is seized with vertigo. Nothing is more fantastic. Nothing is more tragic. Nothing is more sublime."
I would like to add that nothing is more haunting. For me, Paris has ghosts. As I walk its lovely boulevards, avenues and tiny ancient cobbled streets, I see ghosts. Napoleon and his Josephine in the Tuileries, Picasso in Montmartre, Victor Hugo strolling the arches of Place des Vosges.
Other cities do not hold this phantasmic alter image for me. I can go to New York and not see Andy Warhol; I can visit London without bumping into Henry the VIII’s charges of treason. I coexist well with Paris’ ghosts. They bring out the dormant historian in me, adding depth to my experiences in the city. Recently there, I went searching, in an attempt to capture these ghosts in my images. The presented portfolio is the result of that effort."
Kathleen Magner Rios
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