"Those with creative minds have a desire — a need — to look at beautiful things and be inspired by what they see. It's truly the lifeblood for all of us at Hipstamatic," said Lucas Buick, CEO and co-founder, Hipstamatic. "Oggl 2.0 is the first release that realizes our vision to help the world discover interesting people doing interesting things, while using beautiful images to tell their story."
The main change has to be the new Homepage. It’s beautiful, well-defined and allows the user to organize his/her various "Collections". It is now not only possible to pull in an Instagram feed, but to also include several other feeds on the homepage, whether those are other users’ feeds, or feeds based on hashtags, places and even combos!
I have, for instance, created #hipstography feed that allows me to admire photos with that particular #hashtag, yet another way for you to suggest photos that I could publish on Hipstography.com.
It’s also possible to create a feed based on a specific combo: I have, for example, chosen "Mabel + Blanko 1" which allows me to discover how this combo might operate in various situations. I’ve named this feed "Combos" as it’s really easy to change the components: just touch the screen and a small spinning wheel appears, allowing you to change either the film or lens, or both. There is also, of course, a little trashcan, allowing you to delete the entire feed, should you want to.
I have to say, the Homepage is a real success and I’d like to congratulate the entire Hipstamatic team. Do bear in mind though that if you want to shoot pictures straight from the app, there is a new setting in "Settings". Oggl 2.0 offers two choices: "Home" or "Camera". "Home" opens the new home page, while "Camera" allows you to shoot directly.
Another major change this 2.0 version offers is that of "Collections" which, as the name implies, offers the possibility of finding collections of photos based on certain themes (Trees, Places To See, etc.), specific profiles, tags (#bw, #nature, #gay), places (Shanghai, San Francisco) or categories (Portraits, Art, Travel). Each section has a number of sub-sections, allowing you to get totally lost in a labyrinth of beautiful images!
But that’s not all!! The search function, in general, has been upgraded, making it possible to find users, tags, collections or feeds much more easily. You can now also share photos via email, twitter, or message by sending the link.
The profiles have also been improved with a second page that shows links to other social networking sites. I have added links to my Instagram profile, my Twitter account and to Hipstography.com.
I will conclude by mentioning that there is one more function I have personally been waiting for rather impatiently, and that is the possibility of deleting several photos from my own collection at once! It’s no longer necessary to open them all separately and delete them one by one; you can now free space on your iPhone with one click.
In short, this 2.0 version is a new beginning for Oggl and the improvements are impressive. What a fantastic discovery! And, whatever you do, don’t forget to add #hipstography to your photos ;-)!
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