Located in the Northwestern area of Seattle, the Ballard neighborhood has a rather rich cultural history and these days embodies a unique artistic/musical scene. As you may know, the next edition of Snap Magazine is the Music Issue, so it makes sense that they would have chosen Seattle, well known for its musical tradition (see Nirvana, Jimmy Hendrix, Pearl Jam, The Sonics) for the timing of this release. The neighborhood of Ballard itself is flanked by the Puget Sound's Shilshole Bay, a name apparently derived from an indigenous tribe located in the area prior to European settlement..
With the Ballard HipstaPak, we have the Burke Lens (see Thomas Burke - perhaps the key historical figure associated with the establishment of the city). The Burke Lens offers the ability to increase the warmth of the highlights in your photos, while simultaneously adding a desaturated green ("moss") tint to the grey tones. The Shilshole Film seems to add a rather subtle, rain-soaked border to your shots - an aesthetic choice that embraces the rainy days that Seattle is, for better or worse, so well known for.
I anticipate the Burke lens to work well with Irom 2000, Sussex, and Ina's 69, while the Shilshole film may have some interesting outcomes when paired with John S, Doris, even Lowy. Regardless, I look forward to your best shots and combos, as always.
The Pak is free for members of Oggl and is available for $0.99 (0.89 Euros) for Hipstamatic Classic users. Go get it. It's rain or shine time!
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