Lens: Burke Film: Shilshole Flash: off "As a Native Seattleite, I was excited when the Ballard HipstaPak was released. Ballard is a wonderful little neighborhood that was actually an independent city until it was annexed by...
Lens: Burke Film: Shilshole Flash: off "Plum Island is an eleven mile long barrier island about an hour north of Boston, most of the area managed as the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge by U.S. Fish &...
Hipstamatic's new offering, the Ballard Hipstapak, was inspired by the Seattle waterfront. It's, possibly, a little too early to expect feedback on the subtleties of the Burke lens and the Shilshole film, but I've asked several hipstographers...
After visiting India, Russia, and Japan, Hipstamatic returns to its home soil of the United States with the new Ballard Pak, inspired by the city and culture of Seattle, Washington! Located in the Northwestern area of Seattle,...