None of this would have ever been possible were it not for the remarkable work of a small team, based in San Francisco, whose venture has so drastically altered the landscape of photography. These awards are, therefore, also a tribute to the Hipstamatic team and an opportunity for us all to celebrate the brilliance of Hipstamatic and Oggl.
Voting will start in January 2015 and the ceremony will take place in February but there’s still time to enter your pictures in the different categories. Without further ado… here’s how it works:
All photographs, combos or series published since January 1st 2014 will automatically be entered into the Awards. The same goes for those published in November and December. The closing date for entries is December 10th 2014.
That means there is still just over a month left for you to submit your pictures; priority is given to combos and portfolios. The simplest way to submit a series of pictures is to publish them (roughly 20 per combo and about 30 per portfolio) on whatever page you chose: it could be an album on Facebook or Flickr, or on your personal website or pages. You can then send us the link via the Hipstography contact page.
Only pictures taken with Hipstamatic Classic or Oggl will be accepted. Photos shot with other applications or edited with Oggl (“post-processed” pictures) are not allowed. You can find more information about all of this on the Hipstography FAQ-page.
There are three main categories highlighting the most beautiful creations of the year.
"The Grand Prizes Awards" consist of 6 prizes: 3 awards will be presented for 3 combos (Monochrome Combo of the Year, Colour Combo of the Year and Creative Combo of the Year) and 3 awards will be going to 3 portfolios (Monochrome Portfolio of the Year, Colour Portfolio of the Year and Creative Portfolio of the Year).
"The Major Prizes Awards" will be given to 10 photos “of the Day”, in individual categories (Landscape of the Year, Living Moments of the Year, Street Photography of the Year, etc.).
And finally, there is "The Gear of the Year" award, which will be given for the best elements from Hipstamatic’s 2014 catalogue (Lens of the Year, Film of the Year, Flash of the Year and Pak of the Year).
Firstly, there are the nominations; as of January 2nd, the jury will be viewing the entirety of Hipstography’s 2014 publications and selecting ten from each category. The nominees will be announced around January 20th, by category.
Secondly, comes the voting: from January 20th the public will be asked to vote for their favourites from each category among these nominations. The results of this voting round will be added to a second round of jury votes in order to finally narrow it down to one winner per category.
The third stage is the actual Ceremony! This will take place at the beginning of February when there will be just one winner per category who will receive a Hipstography Award. We will also be carrying on the “Special Awards” tradition. If you missed last year’s ceremony, you can still catch it here.
The ball is now in your court… let the games commence and may the best photographers win!
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