Gongbi is a Chinese painting technique typified by its color and realism, quite the opposite of the interpretive free style we might know better. These vibrant colors can also be found in the new Shanghai HipstaPak’s film, carrying the same name. It’s a highly pictorial film, which could find its place among the likes of DreamCanvas or Blanko 1. To boost the effects of Gongbi, Hipstamatic has paired it with a new lens, Jing. Jing will add a textured kaleidoscope of color to any photo.
And do not forget to shake your iPhone in Pro Mode... This pak has a few surprises! More information about this function is in this tutorial.
I say this every month, but it seems even more apt now… with the new Hipstamatic 300 options, I really can’t wait to see your pictures! December is approaching very fast so you have about two months left to send in your series for the next Hipstography Awards. The ball is in your court! Happy shooting!
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