Lens: Madalena Film: Sussex Exposure: +0.1 • Clarity: 31 • Definition: 34 • Highlights: -21 "Alcatraz is an experience like no other; nothing was made to appear real. It just is. The experience is utterly shocking,...
Lens: Madalena Film: Otto Flash: Triple Crown "This combo is very beautiful and a little bit unique. The Madalena lens is warm and vibrant, so it adds a nice nostalgic flavor to the pictures. With using...
Lens: Madalena (30%) Film: Cinematheque (50%) Exposure: +0.2 • Clarity: 15 "This series is just me roaming around my city of Kolkata, India, trying to capture anything weirdly interesting, that caught my eye. Interesting formations of...
Lens: Madalena Film: Blanko "I didn't used to be very fond of Madalena; with its saturated colors and dark greyish shadows, I always thought it was hard to get good shots in average light conditions. But...
Lens: Madalena (40%) Film: Hackney (88%) Flash: Apollo Exposure: +0.1 • Clarity: 20 • Highlights: -25 • Shadows: +20 • Vibrancy: +20 • RGB: modified • Texture: 0 (Combo à télécharger en bas de page) "Madalena...
Lens: Madalena Film: Liberty Flash: Apollo (37%) Exposure: +0.5 • Clarity: 82 • Definition: 43 "I recently spent a very sunny long weekend in San Diego and loved the variety of what this combo (with the...
Lens: Madalena Film: Abbot K20 Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X "These images were shot over the past month, during my day-to-day retired life, from my home near Lake Taupo, while visiting family in the Bay of Plenty...
Lens: Madalena Film: Irom 2000 Flash: Triple Crown Clarity: 16 • Definition: 18 • Vibrancy: +35 "The summer light on Cape Cod is delicate, even in July. I chose to combine the Madelena lens with the...
Lens: Madalena Film: Love 81 Flash: Apollo Exposure: +0.2 "Madalena, Love 81, Apollo. A combination that provides a dark, brooding canvas for capturing pensiveness and solitude and yet, one from which bright, lively colors can jump...
Lens: Madalena Film: Robusta Flash: Pop Rox "I am a fan of the Madalena lens and during my holiday in Italy, I decided to shoot a series with the Robusta film, because I like the warm...