All posts tagged "Combos"

  • Combo #514 (Sabine Gromek)

    Lens:  Salvador 84  Film:  Aristotle  Flash:  Tasty Pop  Clarity: 27 • Vibrancy: -80 • Texture: 38   "I have always liked the unexpected outcome of the Salvador lens and being able to make adjustments in Pro Mode...

    • Posted March 14, 2017
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  • Combo #513 (Carol Ryan)

    Lens:  Florence  Film:  Ina's 1935    "A Hipsta rule of thumb, in our house, is to never let a foggy day go to waste. So when we awoke to fog, we geared up and went to one...

    • Posted March 8, 2017
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  • Combo #512 (Pier Francesca Casadio)

    Lens:  Yoona  Film:  Cheshire  Flash:  Jolly Rainbo 2X    "I'm lucky enough to work on the top floor of a beautiful old building, from which I have this beautiful view. I start working at 7 AM and...

    • Posted March 1, 2017
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  • Combo #511 (Laura Fried)

    Lens:  Bettie XL  Film:  Manneken  Flash:  RedEye Gel    "Wandering through New York City's Chinatown is like being transported to another era. It's filled with rundown streets, faded storefronts and weathered buildings. So what better way to...

    • Posted February 23, 2017
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  • Combo #510 (Christine Mignon)

    Lens:  Beard  Film:  Cheshire  Flash:  Apollo  Shadows: +55 • Texture: 100 • Vignette: 100   "These pictures were taken in Vienna and Innsbruck, Austria. I wanted to find a combo that creates a vivid and positive atmosphere. The...

    • Posted February 8, 2017
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  • Combo #509 (Stavros Dimakopoulos)

    Lens:  Stavros  Film:  Manneken  Flash:  Juicy Orange Gel    "This series was made during the archaeological excavation I was part of. I wanted to capture the emotions of the people involved: their joy, their fatigue, their anticipation,...

    • Posted January 30, 2017
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  • Combo #507 (Kim Morris)

    Lens:  Rudolph  Film:  Donner    "I've always liked the Rudolf & Donner combo. The images are sharp but the colors have soft edges. Mid-tones are showcased, highlights are gentle and black is deep and rich. Rudolf/Donner is...

    • Posted January 12, 2017
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  • Combo #506 (Sebastian Kroll)

    Lens:  Madalena (40%)  Film:  Blanko 1  Flash:  Triple Crown (20%)  Exposure: -0.1 • Clarity: 10 • Definition: 5 • Highlights: -25 • Vibrancy: +10 • Vibrancy: +25 (The combo can be downloaded at the bottom of this...

    • Posted January 4, 2017
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  • Combo #505 (Kally Klonaris-Smythe)

    Lens:  Leonard (87%)  Film:  Liberty (71%)  Flash:  Triple Crown (32%)  Exposure: -0.1 • Clarity: 12 (This combo, Suzette, can be downloaded at the bottom of this page)   "A rich, dense chocolate cake sprinkled with icing sugar...

    • Posted December 22, 2016
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  • Combo #504 (Eric Rozen)

    Lens:  Anne-Marie (75%)  Film:  Hackney  Flash:  Triple Crown (20%)  Exposure: +0.1 • Clarity: 15 • Highlights: -24 • Temperature: 7140 (This combo, Florentine, can be downloaded at the bottom of this page)   "Truth be told, I’m not...

    • Posted December 22, 2016
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