Lens: Salvador 84 Film: Aristotle Flash: Tasty Pop Clarity: 27 • Vibrancy: -80 • Texture: 38 "I have always liked the unexpected outcome of the Salvador lens and being able to make adjustments in Pro Mode...
Lens: Florence Film: Ina's 1935 "A Hipsta rule of thumb, in our house, is to never let a foggy day go to waste. So when we awoke to fog, we geared up and went to one...
Lens: Yoona Film: Cheshire Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X "I'm lucky enough to work on the top floor of a beautiful old building, from which I have this beautiful view. I start working at 7 AM and...
Lens: Bettie XL Film: Manneken Flash: RedEye Gel "Wandering through New York City's Chinatown is like being transported to another era. It's filled with rundown streets, faded storefronts and weathered buildings. So what better way to...
Lens: Beard Film: Cheshire Flash: Apollo Shadows: +55 • Texture: 100 • Vignette: 100 "These pictures were taken in Vienna and Innsbruck, Austria. I wanted to find a combo that creates a vivid and positive atmosphere. The...
Lens: Stavros Film: Manneken Flash: Juicy Orange Gel "This series was made during the archaeological excavation I was part of. I wanted to capture the emotions of the people involved: their joy, their fatigue, their anticipation,...
Lens: Rudolph Film: Donner "I've always liked the Rudolf & Donner combo. The images are sharp but the colors have soft edges. Mid-tones are showcased, highlights are gentle and black is deep and rich. Rudolf/Donner is...
Lens: Madalena (40%) Film: Blanko 1 Flash: Triple Crown (20%) Exposure: -0.1 • Clarity: 10 • Definition: 5 • Highlights: -25 • Vibrancy: +10 • Vibrancy: +25 (The combo can be downloaded at the bottom of this...
Lens: Leonard (87%) Film: Liberty (71%) Flash: Triple Crown (32%) Exposure: -0.1 • Clarity: 12 (This combo, Suzette, can be downloaded at the bottom of this page) "A rich, dense chocolate cake sprinkled with icing sugar...
Lens: Anne-Marie (75%) Film: Hackney Flash: Triple Crown (20%) Exposure: +0.1 • Clarity: 15 • Highlights: -24 • Temperature: 7140 (This combo, Florentine, can be downloaded at the bottom of this page) "Truth be told, I’m not...