Lens: Erie Gl Film: Love 81 Flash: Apollo Clarity: 28 • Vibrancy: +14 • Texture: 13 • Vignette= 18 (This combo, Lizzy, can be downloaded at the bottom of this page) "For this portfolio, I...
Lens: Müller Film: Rijks (25%) Flash: Apollo (25%) Clarity: 20 • Highlights: -20 • Shadows: +35 • RGB: modified (This combo, Norma, can be downloaded at the bottom of this page) Norma could be a definition...
Lens: Erie Gl Film: Love 81 Flash: Apollo Clarity: 28 • Vibrancy: +14 • Texture: 13 • Vignette= 18 (This combo, Lizzy, can be downloaded at the bottom of this page) "It was a picture...
Lens: Müller Film: Rijks (25%) Flash: Apollo (25%) Clarity: 20 • Highlights: -20 • Shadows: +35 • RGB: modified (This combo, Norma, can be downloaded at the bottom of this page) "This combo was inspired by...
Lens: Muir (100%) Film: Abbot K20 (80%) Flash: Leprechaun Tears (40%) Clarity: 30 • Highlights: -25 • Shadows: +20 • RGB: modified • Temperature: 6800 (This combo, Eleanor, can be downloaded at the bottom of this page)...
Lens: Hannah Film: Belém Flash: Laser Lemon Gel Exposure: -0.4 • Highlights: -31 • Shadows: +31 • Texture: 100 (The combo can be downloaded at the bottom of this page) "Mermaids on Parade" "Every year, the...
Lens: Emilio (90%) Film: Cinematheque (75%) Flash: Laser Lemon Gel (79%) Clarity: 31 • Highlights: -34 • Vibrancy: +25 • Texture: 21 • Vignette: 48 (The combo can be downloaded at the bottom of this page) ...
Lens: Americana Film: Love 81 Flash: Triple Crown "Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia lived in my childhood memory as a war torn region that used to be Yugoslavia. Since then, images of Roman ruins, minarets and coastal...
Lens: Stavros (50%) Film: Bream Flash: RedEye Gel (25%) Clarity: 35 • Vignette: 40 "Baltic Impressions" "I took these photos on my recent trip to the Baltic states: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. These are three very...
Lens: John S (45%) Film: Cinematheque (70%) Flash: Cadet Blue Gel Clarity: 30 • Definition: 10 • Highlights: -20 • Shadows: +20 • Vibrancy: +10 • RGB: modified • Temperature: 6700 • Texture: 60 (The combo can...