Excellent news my fellow hipstographers! The Hipstamatic team has just announced the 2014 Global Hipstawalk! #hipstawalk On Saturday, May 10th, the Hipstamatic community is calling upon all hipstographers to get together in their respective cities and partake...
One of Hipstamatic's greatest strengths remains its product design, the look and feel of each element it produces. Every time a new pak is released we don't only receive a new lens and a new film, but...
Lens: Wonder Film: Robusta Using: Oggl "Taken from the Venice Pier (near my house) looking north toward Venice and Santa Monica." Susan Rennie
Lens: Akira Film: Irom 2000 Flash: off "Would you be able to imagine your life without any red objects? Is it not surprising that we see this color every day of our lives even if we are...
Lens: John S Film: Blanko C16 Flash: off "I took this picture of a little boy playing with a toy gun, in April 2014. It's part of a photography project/documentary I'm working on about the 'Atpazari' district,...
Hipstamatic's new offering, the Ballard Hipstapak, was inspired by the Seattle waterfront. It's, possibly, a little too early to expect feedback on the subtleties of the Burke lens and the Shilshole film, but I've asked several hipstographers...
Samuel Gasc, a graphic designer by trade, is not only responsible for the HipstaChallenge, but also took on the role of curator for the Make Beautiful project. Always looking for ways to stir up creativity, he will...
After visiting India, Russia, and Japan, Hipstamatic returns to its home soil of the United States with the new Ballard Pak, inspired by the city and culture of Seattle, Washington! Located in the Northwestern area of Seattle,...
Lens: Hornbecker Film: Robusta Using: Oggl "This picture was taken at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art on March 25th. The painting is by Mark Rothko. I often go to this painting because it can yield...
Name: Kathleen Magner Rios Hometown: Fairhill Maryland Resides: Wilmington Delaware Profession: Partner in Real Estate Group Hobbies: Running, traveling Hipstographer Since: 2011 Year of Birth: 1969 Favorite Combo: Yoona + Blanko 1 Favorite Lens: Yoona Favorite Film: DC Favorite Flash:...