Photos of the month: combos used are shown below each photo. More details on: and
Lens: Jane Film: Robusta Flash: off "A July morning in Dobrovo, western Slovenia, close to the Italian border. The rolling hills and the vineyards after a rainy night." Ilse Neugebauer
Lens: Foxy Film: Blanko 1 Flash: Standard Exposure: -02 • Definition: 67 • Shadows: +40 • Vibrancy: +7 This photo is part of the portfolio "A Distant View" by Stephen Littrell.
Nom: Stephen Littrell Hometown: Manhattan, Kansas Resides: Austin, Texas Profession: Librarian Hobbies: Reading and traveling Hipstographer since: 2013 Year of Birth: 1954 Favorite Combo: Jane + AO BW Favorite Lens: Americana Favorite Film: AO BW Favorite Flash: Standard ...
Lens: Lowy Film: BlacKeys SuperGrain Flash: Tasty Pop (55%) Exposure: +0,4 • Clarity: 26 • Definition: 18 • Highlights: -25 • Shadows: +19 "Squirt Gun Fight" "This is a yearly event where enthusiasts get together, grab their...
Lens: Stavros Film: Telegraph Flash: Apollo Exposure: -0.1 • Clarity: 49 • Definition: 17 • Highlights: -30 • Shadows: +15 • Vibrancy: -67 • Fade: 10 • Texture: 2 • Vignette: 15 "In Greek mythology, the Calydonian boar was sent by...
Lens: G2 Film: D-Type Plate Flash: Cadet Blue Gel Exposure: +0,7 • Clarity: 100 • Definition: 50 • Shadows: -50 • Temperature: 8000 • Tint: 3 G "I love horses, they are very photogenic with their many...
Lens: Anne-Marie (22%) Film: Mount Royal (0%) Flash: Tasty Pop (55%) Clarity: 30 • Highlights: -22 • Shadows: +50 "Journey through the Provence" "In July, I had the opportunity to visit the Provence, in South of France;...
Lens: Hornbecker Film: Comet (7%) Flash: Triple Crown "The Vintgar gorge is one of the most popular natural features in Slovenia. The path through Vintgar gorge leads along wooden bridges, galleries and the rushing Radovna river, which...
Lens: Florence (70%) Film: Sequoia (15%) Flash: RedEye Gel (35%) Exposure: +0.1 • Clarity: 21 • Definition: 20 • Tones Curves: modified • Temperature: 7000 • Tint: 10R (The combo can be downloaded on this page) "Two...