"Taking photos of toilet signs? You must be joking – you might just as well photograph bits of paper lying around in the street!" This is typical of the type of reaction that Mickael Le Canu got when he started talking about his Hipstoilette project. He found such reactions very amusing, as he actually does take photos of rubbish on the pavement from time to time! Either one has an artist's vision, or one doesn't...
The idea of this series of images came to him during his second visit to Thailand: "I found their toilet signs remarkably original and I quite spontaneously began to take photos of them. By the end of my two-week stay, I had developed a passion for these various signs pointing the way to public amenities".
Once he was back in France, he continued hunting out signs with the slightest spark of originality... "I came to realised that even here, some toilet signs are worth a detour and even the most ordinary can have a certain style".
Especially when captured forever by Hipstamatic. Here is a selection of shots while waiting for the publication of Mickael's book on this subject – his current baby!
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