"If I don't have red, I use blue." I love this quote from Pablo Picasso, and try to apply it day to day in my photography...
With time (and what some call experience), you learn to focus on the essential things, as evidenced by the videos from Vituc and Bill Newsinger! I am grateful to the Hipstography site for introducing me to them. What the eye sees and perceives, that is what is most important. The equipment you use is secondary.
For this stop-motion video, I forced myself to use the bare minimum in terms of equipment:
- An iPhone 4S limited to 9 shots in continuous shooting and low definition;
-iMovie for Mac for video editing (although I do like Final Cut Pro);
-Hipstamatic to force myself to choose a lens and film from the outset.
For the creative side of things, I start by making myself choose a theme. I try to do immediate editing, with minimal post-production. For music, I use creative common. I will make my next stop-motion video using the magical, classic combo John S and Ina's 1969.
Alain Paris
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