I don’t think anyone, including myself, ever thought that the site would turn out the way it has. From 120 Mb of data, the site has become a monster of over 10Gb of data, tens of thousands of published photographs and some 1000 pages viewed on a daily basis.
Thank you everyone for your support, help and trust. Without you Hipstography just wouldn’t exist: it’s the largest database in the world dedicated to the best photo application: Hipstamatic.
Our fifth year has, once again, been overwhelmingly rich in diversity, exciting and - as if it still needs stating - a real testimony to Hipstamatic and the creativity of its community. All the pictures that were published within the past 12 months will soon be sent to the jury members of the Hipstography Awards, whose decisions will be announced, around January 20th.
And now, at the end of this year, as has become tradition, we look back at the past 12 months. From the 80 combos that were published in 2017, we came up with about 30 downloadable combos and a new Hipstography Collection of 3 combos: The Cosmetic Collection.
2017 also saw an exhibition dedicated to one of the most extravagant lenses in the catalogue: Madalena. So… Who’s still afraid of Madalena?
Aside from 40 portfolios, this year also saw an opportunity to pay tribute to one of our most prolific Hipstographers, Polina Sarri, with her showcase "The Strange Case of Dr Polina and Mrs Sarri".
I’d also like to thank Lori Hillsberg and Stephen Litrell for suggesting the "Temple of Doomed Gear". I was a bit scared to participate but it was a truly enriching experience. Bring on the second chapter!
Lastly, let’s give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar: thank you to the entire team at Hipstamatic for giving us enjoyment for the past 8 years!
Hipstography wishes everyone a splendid 2018! A Hipsta New Year to all of you!
Eric Rozen
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