In terms of combos, we almost went around the world... We started in Iceland with Saskia Delores (Combo # 127: Kaimal Mark II + Ina's 1969), then we went to Tanzania with a double combo proposed by Otrebor Onisru (Combo # 128 & # 129: Tejas + DreamCanvas). From there, we left to the beaches of Mexico with Millo Salgado (Combo #130: John S + Ina's 1935) and return to Africa, Togo and Benin this time with Lara Wineman (Combo # 131: Jane + C-Type Plate).
Published portfolios are truly exceptional... After the very emotional "Taksim Square" by Engin Güneysu, we stayed with the protestants in Istanbul with a second portfolio dedicated to this iconic place, the "Taksim Resistance" by Atilla Uzman. Change of atmosphere and continent with a beautiful visit to Rio de Janerio by Marcelo Henrique ("The colors of Rio de Janeiro") and a dive in the fresh waters of Mexico, always with Millo Salgado. And we ended the week with a street portfolio made by David Norbut.
In the technical aspect, I published two topics, "User Tips #6: Putting order in Hipstamatic" and "User Tips #7: View Finder Mode". Helpful tips for you to get the most out of your Hipstamatic App. I haven't even touched on the beautiful photos such as the "Photo Of the Day" or the "Photo of the Week". And I almost forgot: a beautiful video made by Bill Newsinger. As I said, a great week and as always I'm very honored to share it with you.
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