Voting for most of the categories ended last night, at midnight. This morning, while comparing the jury's votes with the public's votes, my attention was drawn to a huge error on my part: I forgot to add a portfolio which was selected by the jury in the "Creative Portfolio Nominees" category. As you know, I run Hipstography independently, on top of which I have a "real job," so needless to say, these awards are a serious addition to my work load. Regardless, I would hereby like to apologize profusely, especially to the photographer in question.
I can only do one thing and that is to add an sixteenth portfolio to this category, delete all previous votes and ask the public to vote again for this category. Again, I am sorry for this! You have until Wednesday to vote. Thank you in advance.
[yop_poll id="31"]
Name: Jade Deakin
Favorite Combo: Tejas + Sugar
Favorite Lens: Tejas
Favorite Film: Sugar
Favorite Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X
"These images are from a continuous project I've been doing about living in Hong Kong. It can be a hectic place sometimes; you never really see people just going for a stroll, everyone always seems to be rushing everywhere all the time.
I love Hipstamatic's multiple exposure tool and I used it for these images to try to capture the movements and motion of the crowds. It's been good experimenting and seeing under what conditions the multiple exposure setting works best. Anymore than 3-4 exposures and the image is very blown-out, although obviously with lower lighting you can achieve a better result with more exposures. I found that by adding Jolly Rainbo 2x flash the results are a little brighter and clearer, and after experimenting with a couple of coloured films and lenses, I settled on mainly using Tejas with Ina's 1935 which gives you quite bold colours when combined with the Jolly Rainbow flash. I also really like the ambiguity of the black and white images, where the focus is more on the forms in the image."
Jade Deakin
Name: Matthew Wylie
Hometown: Texas, United States
Resides: Toronto, Canada
Profession: Professor of English and Philosophy / Writer
Hobbies: Writing, Photography, Rare Books
Hipstographer since: 2011
Year of Birth: 1978
Favorite Combo: John S + US1776
Favorite Lens: Americana
Favorite Film: US1776
Favorite Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X
"Gisele Didier recently hosted a theme in Hipstamatic Slovenia (Maj Jones) titled 'Minimalism'. At the time, I was exploring the Buenos Aires pak and found that it worked well with this theme. 'L'Art est long et le Temps est court.' - Baudelaire"
Matthew Wylie
Name: Kunstvibe (Vanessa Uher)
Favorite Combo: everyday different
Favorite Lens: Salvador 84
Favorite Film: Sussex (for the moment)
Favorite Flash: Berry Pop
"I fell deeply and irredeemably in love with Hipstamatic instantly. I have always enjoyed being a trashy kind of photographer. I love Pinhole, double exposures and long shutter speed photography: all kinds of painting with light that reveal things we don't see normally! I totally agree with Andreas Feininger who said: 'A technically perfect photograph can be the world’s most boring picture.'
I believe that it is actually mainly the 'mistakes' that touch the soul somewhere. I love Natural Light Photography and for this I love my iPhone and Hipstamatic. My big Life Art Project is entitled "Fusion of Reality and Truth" (auf Deutsch:" Fusion aus Realität und Wirklichkeit") - and for this I like to confuse the viewer with photographs that looks like paintings and vice versa - snapshots that appear staged and staged shots that look like a weird coincidence. If I had to describe myself and my love for art in a few words then "passionate and enthusiastic" might be the first ones that come to mind. I believe that everything you do with love and passion will be good and authentic!"
Vanessa Uher (Kunstvibe)
Name: Beatriz Sene
Favorite Combo: Florence + Blackeys Extra Fine
Favorite Lens: John S
Favorite Film: Blackeys Extra Fine
Favorite Flash: RedEye Gel
"Photography is a means of expression for me. The way I look at images completely changed a couple of years ago, when I saw the work of a Brazilian photographer named Geraldo de Barros, for the first time. He was heavily influenced by Gestalt theory which investigates our perception of incomplete forms in reference to the whole. I have tried a new visual language ever since. My photographic experiments with multiple exposures have been greatly influenced by Barros and Charles Swedlung.
The Florence lens reminds me of G2 because of the strong contrast, and with the BlacKeys Extra Fine film the photo is sharper. This combo is accurate and it preserves the detail that usually disappears with the multiple exposure setting. The result is clear and balanced with no edge. For me, the combination of aesthetics and technology is the way to abstraction."
Beatriz Sene
Name: Joe Lord
Favorite Combo: G2 (ex-GSQUAD) + Ina's 1935
Favorite Lens: Salvador 84
Favorite Film: Robusta
Favorite Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X
"I'm a 22 year old creative from the North of England. I've traveled allover the United Kingdom and to the Caribbean and Oceania taking iPhone photos using Hipstamatic. I discovered the Multi-Exposure function in March this year and I've been using it ever since! These are some of the photos taken on my travels."
Joe Lord
Name: Millo Salgado
Favorite Combo: John S + Ina's 1935
Favorite Lens: John S
Favorite Film: Ina's 1935
Favorite Flash: Don't use flash
"The first shoot I took like this was an accident, but I loved it. So I use this 'technic' from time to time. First you submerge your iPhone (with a proper waterproof case of course) in the sea, and then when you pull it out, you take the photo while water is still on the lens. Sometimes you get nothing at all, or at least not what you are expecting. You have to think about the shoot beforehand, because you have to do it quickly, sometimes even without looking through the viewfinder. And then you get all these blurred and ghostly photos, as though you were living in this watery world full of fog and dreams. No recognizable faces, just the forms of people in the water. And I love it when through all this daze you get a glimpse of a smile, a sense of happiness."
Millo Salgado
Name: J.G. Park
Favorite Combo: Melodie + Blanko Freedom13
Favorite Lens: Jane
Favorite Film: Blanko Freedom13
Favorite Flash: -
"After a while, one runs low on abandoned buildings to photograph. So I began to observe and capture temporary abandonment in social spaces that are still active, but are, in the moment I'm there, empty.
It's perfect for Hipstamatic, because these moments are spontaneous. I'll find myself alone in a stairwell, and it's like a deep breath. I can just be in a space and notice the light and lines, then if it strikes me, reach into my pocket for my iPhone.
Anxiety makes it hard for me to photograph people, so I photograph around them, at the suggestions of people. For example, if you find a potted plant growing in a corner or corridor, then there's a human being coming through regularly to tend to it. Sad creatures, potted plants. Empty chairs look like loyal dogs patiently awaiting their masters' return, but potted plants look like caged birds. I see both longing for and fear of escape in potted plants. It's lonely and unnatural to live under fluorescent lights, but you don't know what awaits you in the wild."
J.G. Park
Name: Tim Engle
Hometown: Sacramento, CA
Resides: Sacramento, CA
Profession: Photographer
Hobbies: Photography
Hipstographer since: 2010
Year of Birth: 1968
Favorite Combo: Tinto 1884 + Dixie
Favorite Lens: Chunky
Favorite Film: US1776
Favorite Flash: None
"The Hipstamatic has become my favorite iPhone app. Loved it from the start! It's changed how I see the world around me. I am totally addicted. I have every lens and film and look forward to new ones.
I spend most of my time shooting for magazines and private portfolios. I always love to shoot the Hipstamatic for them to have right away. Also good for social marketing to give them something they can post."
Tim Engle
Name: Darren Hoffman
Favorite combo:
Lens: John S
Film: Alfred Infrared
"If I had to explain why I shoot so much street & graphic decay, I would say it's largely due to my profession as a print designer and creative director. Corporate advertising and visual communication doesn't typically lend itself to anything too edgy or gritty, and as a result, so much of what I design for clients is clean and minimal. Shooting anything faded, peeled, rusty or worn is a nice creative outlet and gives me the opportunity to 'get dirty'."
Darren Hoffman
Name: Stéphane Saint-Alme
"I like the square format for its affinity with angles, broken lines and straight lines, as well as for the complicity between intersecting horizontal and vertical lines. Exactly what I need to satisfy my primal urge for logic and order and for taking advantage of all the geometric subjects offered up by daily life. Day to day, I love to shoot city streets, signs and swaths of solid colour, usually framed in an abstract manner."
Stéphane Saint-Alme
Name: Matt Strelecki
Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona
Resides: Iowa, U.S.A.
Profession: Art director, designer, creative director
Hobbies: Shooting pictures, collecting modern furniture and designing fake CD covers for fun
Hipstographer since: January 2012
Year of Birth: 1962
Favorite combo: Tinto 1884 + Blanko
Favorite Lens: Libatique 73
Favorite Film: Claunch 72 Monochrome
Favorite Flash: None
"I have been stuck on shooting with Hipstamatic from almost the minute I downloaded the app. Although I take hundreds of images, I spend very little time taking them and I've set up only a few of my shots. Otherwise, they are 'found' situations with little or no alterations to the object or environment I've come across. I also try to avoid getting stuck on one subject and only occasionally post multiple photos of one thing. There are too many things to see and shoot.
I have been in the design world for longer than I would like to admit but I am very lucky because I get to do what I love which is design magazines, work with great talent and to meet new people and experience things I would never have thought possible.
My kids groan every time I stop to shoot something even though it takes no more than a minute or two. One day they'll look over these photos and be reminded of their father holding up his iPhone and how many times they said, 'Please! No Hipstamatics, dad!'."
Matt Strelecki
Name: Sven Mainzer
Hometown: Hamburg, Germany
Resides: Hamburg, Germany
Profession: Photographer
Hobbies: My Kids, Flyfishing
Hipstographer since: 2010
Year of Birth: 1965
Favorite Combo: Watts + Blanko
Favorite Lens: Lucifer VI
Favorite Film: Ina's 1969
Favorite Flash: None
"A couple of years ago I was totally in love with my SX-70 Polaroid Camera. I used this precious old-school device in many ways: as a diary, a notepad, a location camera and as an everyday camera for snapshots and street-photography. Every shot was single and unique. Professional Photography went digital about 10-13 years ago, depending on the jobs you were shooting. There was no choice, I needed to join the race. With all this high-tech camera and computer stuff around me, I was very surprised to discover Hipstamatic for the iPhone in early 2010. From the very beginning of using Hipstamatic, I had that 'Polaroid' feeling again. A unique shot, with hardly predictable, fascinating output! I instantly started using my iPhone like my old SX-70, always looking for something to shoot and '#makebeautiful'."
Sven Mainzer
Name: Harvey Licht
Favorite Combo: Helga Viking + Kodot XGrizzled
Favorite Lens: Helga Viking
Favorite Film: Ina's 1969
Favorite Flash: None
"I live and work in communities that are evolving. There is constant change in the constructed environment. There seems to be a steady stream of new things, new signs, and new icons appearing in unexpected places. Each trip outside my door feels like a voyage of discovery. I use the Hipstamatic camera daily to record my response to the new.
My standard combination is the Helga Viking lens with DC film. I find this combination produces a fairly natural image, with no vignetting or fringing and only a mild color cast. I modify film choice based upon lighting conditions and subject matter. My favorite alternative films include Ina’s 1969, Cano Cafenol, Kodot XGrizzled and Claunch 72 Monochrome. I occasionally use Hornbecker, Melodie, Lucifer, and Chunky lenses."
Harvey Licht
Name: Daniel Kolya
Favorite Combo: Libatique 73 + Ina's 1969
Favorite lens: John S
Favorite Film: BlacKeys SuperGrain
Favorite Flash: Dreampop
"I started taking photos at the age of 10 - in the good old analog era. I switched to digital, still SLR, but then discovered Hipstamatic in 2011: it is now always with me, as there is no hassle with gear. Some say it's just snobbery, but I say that I love it… and I hope you do too!"
Name: Caleb Messer
Favorite Combo: Loftus + Blanko Freedom13
Favorite Lens: Loftus
Favorite Film: Blanko Freedom13
Favorite Flash: Standard
"I took all these photos in my back yard. Every time I take a photo, I realize how much colour and beauty they show and how different and unique each picture is. I'm constantly discovering things I never saw before."
Caleb Messer
Name: Simon Heard
Hometown: Tamworth (England)
Resides: Hong Kong
Profession: Kindergarten English Teacher
Hobbies: Wing Chun Kung Fu, Mountain Running at night, Hiking, Cycling, Photography/Hipstography
Hipstographer Since: 2012
Year of Birth: 1986
Favorite Combo: Melodie + Cano Cafenol
Favorite Lens: Melodie
Favorite Film: Cano Cafenol
Favorite Flash: Aucun
"I have been using Hipstamatic for about 1.5 years and it has been hard to go back to DSLR's since. Using an iPhone and Hipstamatic has been a great way to record my travels around Asia. Carrying heavy expensive gear can be tiresome and can draw un wanted attention. For each country I have travelled to I have tried to use mainly one combination that I think fits the mood of that country. Living in Hong Kong, I use the city and nature as a testing ground for combinations. Hong Kong is very much a city of contrasts, rich and poor, skyscrappers and mountains, Old and New, Chinese ancestry and Western consumerism.
Old buildings sit along side Towering Skyscrappers before they are inevitably torn down to make room for more"
"I have always really enjoyed making collages using photos, I can't help it really. I really enjoy hiking, and when you are on top of that mountain, you can't but take every angle, the photo needs to be complete. I love making panoramics and without the specialist equipment to do proper panoramics I have always made mine using multiple photos.
I enjoy the process of blending the photos together to make it as one although with an SLR Camera, this process can be quite labour intensive. What I like about Hipstamatic is the way, especially with films that create borders, is that you can just drag and place each photo next to each other without worrying about it being 100% seamless. The end result is always very pleasing. With all of the non panoramic montages, these are always first attempts. I don't bother with trying to find the perfect blend, the order I place them into photoshop is generally the order they are made. Also, if i happen to use 24 photos for one collage then I will use all 24, even if some get hidden or are only slightly visible."
Simon Heard
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