The Hipstography Awards 2016 – The Ceremony

By on February 4, 2017

From Samuel Gasc

To Stavros Dimakopoulos for his Combo #443


Concerning his series: "The concept of Make Beautiful even from its earliest stages as a project was not only to actively seek out the beautiful in the world around you but to take that found beauty and create beautiful work. So between Stavros’ careful identification and cultivation of a subject in the calm Halcyon Days of his beloved Greek winter to his judicious and crafty combination of lens, film, and flash, he has most certainly upheld the essence of what it is to Make Beautiful."
Samuel Gasc

From Mario Estrada

To Stavros Dimakopoulos for his Combo #443


Concerning his series: "Stavros always manages to create combos that are unexpected yet visually pleasing. His ability to pair colored flashes with interesting lens and films gives this specific collection a tonal quality that I haven’t really seen in Hipstamatic. It works perfectly for the silhouettes that he’s choosing to highlight in these images."
Mario Estrada


Combo #443 (Stavros Dimakopoulos)

Lens:  Mabel 
Film:  Otto 
Flash:  RedEye Gel 


"The pictures in this series record the "Halcyon Days" (calmer periods during the winter, when there are no storms) in Greece. Taken in various coastal areas, where people go to bask in the sun, go fishing or practice water sports,  the photos reflect this year's mild winter. The color palette of this combo consists of a yellowish base, provided by the Mabel lens, although there are various warm tones too, as a result of the RedEye Gel Flash. Otto film offers a considerably intense contrast, especially when shooting into the sun; the silhouettes appear to be rigid and dramatic, with heavy shadows, while the blue sky and sea are bathed in purple hues."
Stavros Dimakopoulos


From Hipstamatic

To Lee Atwell for her series "Earth, Water, Sky, People and Pavement"


Concerning her series: "Lee’s understanding of light and shadow makes her an incredible photographer. Combined with the different BW Hipstamatic Films she able to create one body of work that is not only beautiful as a whole but each image has depth and nuance that make them individually interesting."


"Earth, Water, Sky, People and Pavement" by Lee Atwell

lee-atwell-sacred-lands-portfolio-portraitName: Lee Atwell
Hometown: Vancouver, Canada
Resides: Seattle, Washington U.S.A.
Profession: Yoga studio owner, instructor, and retreat facilitator.
Hobbies: Hipstography, yoga and spending time in nature.
Hipstographer since: 2011

Favorite Combo:  Neville  +  AO BW 
Favorite Lens:  John S 
Favorite Film:  AO BW 
Favorite Flash:  Jolly Rainbo 2X 

"It was five years ago that I learned about the Hipstamatic App and I was immediately captivated by it’s beautiful combinations of lenses and filters. As a child I learned the art, science and magic of photography from my dad when he converted a small bathroom into a darkroom, and because of this, I feel especially drawn to the black and white combinations, which remind me of photographs from a long gone era.
I have been addicted to taking photos on a daily basis, with Hipstamatic ever since, as I find that the magic of creating images in this way feeds my soul, whether I am in the beauty of nature or the often hectic environment of the city. This portfolio reflects my love of nature, people, photography and Hipstamatic.
Lee Atwell



To Berlewen Jolixor for her series "The Life of Lawns"


Concerning her series: "The work of Berlewen consistently entertains. Its thoughtful story telling of a miniature world and always beautiful to look at. Staged still life photography can be complicated but her work is always clever and delightful."



From Elijah Nouvelage

To Berlewen Jolixor for her series "The Life of Lawns"


Concerning her series: "As a photojournalist, I’m normally attracted to documentary work grounded in reality. And yet, when I saw this series by Berlewen, I was immediately attracted to its playful, fun, innocent whimsy. I believe that photography should make you feel something, and so there is no greater compliment than to say that each image in this series made me smile with happiness."
Elijah Nouvelage


"The Life of Lawns" by Berlewen Jolixor

Berlewen-Jolixor-Books-portraitName: Berlewen Jolixor
Hometown: Lyon, France
Resides: Saint Genis Laval, France
Profession: Restoration of historical monuments, painter, decorator
Hobbies: Tai chi, sci-fi, biking, photography
Hipstographer since: 2012
Year of Birth: It’s a jubilee this year!

Favorite Combo:  Lowy  +  Blanko 1 
Favorite Lens:  Lowy 
Favorite Film:  Love 81 
Favorite Flash: The sun

1-Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick by Wim Wenders. 2-The hand of God – Maradona. 3-Under correctional. 4-Fuzzy boots. 5-Prickly Protection. 6-The Brasilian Wall. 7-Knitting. 8-The caviar pass. 9-The Roulette. 10-Mandala. 11-Shooting a goal. 12-Fancy footwork. 13-The Strainer. 14-Training Day. 15-The Hard Shoulder. 16-The Firing Angle. 17-Igoal on IPhone only. 18-The icing on the cake. 19-Under siege. 20-Manly sports. 21-Casting Simulator.


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