The Hipstography Awards 2013 – The Ceremony

By on February 9, 2014

From Samuel A. Gasc to Mohsen Chinehkesh
for his portfolio "Do I need this: B-Sides & Rarities"

Samuel Gasc is a graphic designer, creator/curator of HipstaChallenge, and lead writer for the Make Beautiful global art project. Launching HipstaChallenge in June of 2011 as a way to encourage daily mobile photography with Hipstamatic, the project has evolved into a worldwide community of enthusiasts who share their diverse interpretations of daily themes. Samuel has brought that same thematic approach of shooting to the Make Beautiful project by writing and publishing monthly lists of creative prompts to serve as inspiration for every day of the month.

Concerning Mohsen Chinehkesh's portfolio: "It was indeed very difficult to narrow down my top vote with such an amazing selection of portfolios, but in the end it was the blend of artistic vision and mesmerizing photographs present in this second portfolio by Mohsen Chinehkesh that brought it to the foreground for me. The images are wonderfully candid, painting an altogether different scene than that of his first portfolio, "Life: Light and Shadows on the Streets of Tehran".The aspect of "Do I Need This: B-Sides & Rarities" that I found most intriguing, however, was the curatorial approach of wanting to assemble a body of work from the "unused negatives." Here are images that had been bypassed in days gone by in favor of other, perhaps more clever, photographs. "Do I Need This" is a testament of the photographer who never ceases to make images and does not discard them merely because they are not what the public might be first inclined to see. There is a sense of artistic integrity present in the portfolio's vision, but there is also an undeniable artistic prowess visible in the insightful and voyeuristic photos."


‘Do I need this: B-Sides & Rarities’ by Mohsen Chinehkesh

Name: Mohsen Chinehkesh
Hometown: Tehran, Iran
Resides: Tehran, Iran
Profession: Graphic Designer, Photographer
Hobbies: Playing Guitar
Hipstographer since: 2012
Year of Birth: 1984

Favorite Combo:  John S  +  AO BW 
Favorite Lens:  Madalena 
Favorite Film:  Rock BW-11 
Favorite Flash: None

"I borrowed the name of this portfolio from 'Muse' one of my favorite rock music bands. In fact these are a few of my old Hipstamatic Classic shots which had never found the chance to be shared anywhere else! Although the freedom which Hipstamatic Oggl brought to the table is welcome, I think the unique experience of Hipstamatic Classic is more close to the essence of photography and now more than ever I have the tendency to come back to it."
Mohsen Chinehkesh


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